Twice a month we organise an English CBR theory course in Amsterdam and The hague (Den Haag)for only 99 Euro. It is a one day speed course that will help you learn everything you need to know to pass the CBR theory exam in English. More info.
You can take your theory exam in English at CBR. The price is €49,00. Register real time here: www.Theoyhouse.nl
Looking for a theory book to study. This is where you can get one!
You can order a good quality theory book Learning To Drive Manual. This book contains all subject material you need to master in order to pass the theory test successfully. This book is cheap, up-to-date and has next-day delivery.
If you want to practice exams online you can buy the 15 hour Theory internet exam training CBR.
The set of books you can buy here here .
What is meant by special manoeuvres?
Special manoeuvres are special performances carried out in the car. Examples are: turning in the road, reverse parking, reverse parking in a bay or reversing in a straight line. For more detail look at Special Manouevres CBR